ID | Name | Rate |
AAB | Academic Achievement Battery | REQUEST |
B-III | BETA III | 20,000.00 |
CAPS | Career Ability Placement Survey | 25,600.00 |
CAIMI | Children's Academic Intrinsic Motivation Inventory | 24,900.00 |
CTONI-2 | Comprehensive Test of Non-Verbal Intelligence:2 | 54,800.00 |
CMAT | Comprehensive Mathematical Abilities Test | 40,900.00 |
CAS | Das-Naglieri Cognitive Assessment System | 119, 800.00/w/ case 105,000.00/w/o case |
DSSR-2 | DABERON Screening for School Readiness - 2nd Ed. | 24,360.00 |
DAP:IQ | Draw-A-Person Intellectual Ability Test | 14,200.00 |
DAT | Differential Aptitude Tests, Fifth Edition | 24,000.00 |
DTLA-P:3 | Detroit Test of Learning Aptitude-Primary: 3rd Ed. | 28,600.00 |
DTLA-4 | Detroit Test of Learning Aptitude-4th Ed. | 52,440.00 |
DAYC-2 | Developmental Assessment of Young Children-2nd Ed. | 41,400.00 |
DP-3 | Developmental Profile-3 | 31,000.00 |
K-BIT:2 | Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test: 2nd Ed. | 30,600.00 |
LEITER-R | Leiter International Performance Scale: Revised | 131,400.00 |
OASIS-3 | OASIS:3 Aptitude Test | 22,000.00 |
OLSAT:8th | Otis-Lennon School Ability Test: 8th Ed. (Latest Version) | REQUEST |
ID | Name | Rate |
CASI | Career Attitudes and Strategies Inventory | 18,700.00 |
COPES | Career Orientation Preference and Evaluation Survey | 6,500.00 |
COPS | Career Occupational Preference System Interest Inventory | 6,500.00 |
COPS II | COPS Intermediate Inventory | 6,500.00 |
COPS-PIC | COPSystem Picture Inventory | REQUEST |
GPII | Geist Picture Interest Inventory | 12,600.00 |
IDEAS | Interest Determination, Exploration and Assessment System | REQUEST |
OASIS:3 | OASIS:3 Interest Test | 24,000.00 |
PCI | Position Classification Inventory | 14,400.00 |
RFVIIF-2 | Reading-Free Vocational Interest Inventory Second Edition | 13,200.00 |
SMALSI | School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory | 22,000.00 |
SAMS | Study Attitude and Methods Survey | 9,800.00 |
SDS | Self-Directed Search Series • Form R • Career Explorer • Career Planning | REQUEST |
SACQ | Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire | 13,500.00 |
WRIOT:2 | Wide Range Interest and Occupation Test 2nd Ed. | REQUEST |
ID | Name | Rate |
BARON:EQ | BarOn Emotional Intelligence: Adult Version | 13,800.00 |
CAS | College Adjustment Scale | 12,500.00 |
CDS | Cognitive Distortion Scales | 20,600.00 |
CTI | Constructive Thinking Inventory | 22,800.00 |
FSSCT | Forer Structured Sentence Completion Test | 10,000.00 |
HTP | House-Tree-Person™ (H-T-P™) Projective Drawing Technique | 27,180.00 |
HT | The Hand Test | 23,800.00 |
IBS | Interpersonal Behaviour Survey | 20,00.00 |
MSC:Adult | Mental Status Checklist for Adult | 7,440.00 |
MSEI | Multidimensional Self-Esteem Inventory | 25,900.00 |
NEO PI-R | NEO Personality Inventory: Revised | REQUEST |
NEO-FFI | NEO Five Factor Inventory | 20,000.00 |
ID | Name | Rate |
AAB | Academic Achievement Battery | REQUEST |
B-III | BETA III | 20,000.00 |
CAPS | Career Ability Placement Survey | 25,600.00 |
CAIMI | Children's Academic Intrinsic Motivation Inventory | 24,900.00 |
CTONI-2 | Comprehensive Test of Non-Verbal Intelligence:2 | 54,800.00 |
CMAT | Comprehensive Mathematical Abilities Test | 40,900.00 |
CAS | Das-Naglieri Cognitive Assessment System | 119, 800.00/w/ case 105,000.00/w/o case |
DSSR-2 | DABERON Screening for School Readiness - 2nd Ed. | 24,360.00 |
DAP:IQ | Draw-A-Person Intellectual Ability Test | 14,200.00 |
DAT | Differential Aptitude Tests, Fifth Edition | 24,000.00 |
DTLA-P:3 | Detroit Test of Learning Aptitude-Primary: 3rd Ed. | 28,600.00 |
DTLA-4 | Detroit Test of Learning Aptitude-4th Ed. | 52,440.00 |
DAYC-2 | Developmental Assessment of Young Children-2nd Ed. | 41,400.00 |
DP-3 | Developmental Profile-3 | 31,000.00 |
K-BIT:2 | Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test: 2nd Ed. | 30,600.00 |
LEITER-R | Leiter International Performance Scale: Revised | 131,400.00 |
OASIS-3 | OASIS:3 Aptitude Test | 22,000.00 |
OLSAT:8th | Otis-Lennon School Ability Test: 8th Ed. (Latest Version) | REQUEST |
ID | Name | Rate |
BARON:EQ | BarOn Emotional Intelligence: Adult Version | 13,800.00 |
CAS | College Adjustment Scale | 12,500.00 |
CDS | Cognitive Distortion Scales | 20,600.00 |
CTI | Constructive Thinking Inventory | 22,800.00 |
FSSCT | Forer Structured Sentence Completion Test | 10,000.00 |
HTP | House-Tree-Person™ (H-T-P™) Projective Drawing Technique | 27,180.00 |
HT | The Hand Test | 23,800.00 |
IBS | Interpersonal Behaviour Survey | 20,00.00 |
MSC:Adult | Mental Status Checklist for Adult | 7,440.00 |
MSEI | Multidimensional Self-Esteem Inventory | 25,900.00 |
NEO PI-R | NEO Personality Inventory: Revised | REQUEST |
NEO-FFI | NEO Five Factor Inventory | 20,000.00 |
ID | Name | Rate |
CASI | Career Attitudes and Strategies Inventory | 18,700.00 |
COPES | Career Orientation Preference and Evaluation Survey | 6,500.00 |
COPS | Career Occupational Preference System Interest Inventory | 6,500.00 |
COPS II | COPS Intermediate Inventory | 6,500.00 |
COPS-PIC | COPSystem Picture Inventory | REQUEST |
GPII | Geist Picture Interest Inventory | 12,600.00 |
IDEAS | Interest Determination, Exploration and Assessment System | REQUEST |
OASIS:3 | OASIS:3 Interest Test | 24,000.00 |
PCI | Position Classification Inventory | 14,400.00 |
RFVIIF-2 | Reading-Free Vocational Interest Inventory Second Edition | 13,200.00 |
SMALSI | School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory | 22,000.00 |
SAMS | Study Attitude and Methods Survey | 9,800.00 |
SDS | Self-Directed Search Series • Form R • Career Explorer • Career Planning | REQUEST |
SACQ | Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire | 13,500.00 |
WRIOT:2 | Wide Range Interest and Occupation Test 2nd Ed. | REQUEST |